Wednesday, March 21, 2007

packing, packing, packing

The packing has begun in earnest. In my mind anyway.

We've been invited to a dinner party on Friday night, which means we will fly at 9pm Thursday, layover, land at 5am Friday. API's interview is at 9am and then we have a dinner party that evening. AND, breakfast with his mom the next morning!

I told him we needed to schedule a siesta. And, I don't even like siestas. Que gringa soy.

There is more pressure at work about the conference in MN. The office has denied my request, but I will need to go in order to get my ducks (read: contacts) in a row before leaving the country. So now I must request vacation time and get myself to the conference. My friend and collegue is going to the conference and has been asking me about sharing a hotel room. Which is great, if I knew that I had the approved vacation time and I knew I was really going to this conference. I'll be going IF we decide to move. Ay, the big if.

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