Thursday, December 20, 2007

That time of year again...

Ack, it’s time for the Christmas panic!

Today is my first day off from work and wow; it has been a rough couple of weeks. Last week, I was working 12-hour days almost every day and I was not in the office, which means that this week I had horrible email backlog. Combined with the craziness that was the last two days when many people in the office (including me) thought we were going to lose our jobs. Not because of my boss, but because of an edict issued from the Rector. All became right with the world about 5pm yesterday when my boss came back from battle (at the Rectoria) and told us that no one was getting fired.

So, needless to say, I haven’t written any Christmas cards, many people sent me very nice birthday wishes and I did not respond, and Adolfo has been asking if I forgot about him. Basically, I just fell out of communication with the world. (By the way, I will respond to your emails and thank you for the birthday wishes!)

Adolfo finished his semester teaching and has a few projects in his other job, but all the jobs were winding down for him during the last two weeks. Which was great, because he was able to do all the things at home that needed to be done, like the grocery shopping and mailing a box to my family, feeding me dinner when I returned home zombie-like.

There is no Christmas tree, there are no cookies and you’ll be getting your Christmas card for Groundhog Day.

(Let the vacations begin?!?!)


barbara said...

Della, we will always remember the non-Christmas Christmas. I too, have no tree, no cookies, etc. Next year will be better.......

Cali said...

I think there should be a PRE-Christmas break. That way we could all get the stuff done. I was lucky this year and had a snow day, but the whole day I was totally in a panic. One day to prepare for the coming of our Lord?! I'm telling you there is no way I will ever have a year where I get all the cheer sent out. Forget it. But I will say extra prayers for those who didn't get Christmas cards this year, which is actually a much better present.

Emilie said...

Well, I am glad you talk about christmas cards... I didn't have time to write any... but I tought a lot about it !!! So I take my chance on your blog Della, to tell MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you that I know in USA !!!!
Merry christmas !
Love, em